ActiveRecord-inspired interface for HashCabinet, the file-based key-object store
Generate consistent-codenames from any string (Heroku style, aka Haiku)
Minimal, lightweight, multi-YAML settings library with dot notation
Inline tests in Markdown documents
Options object with dot-notation access
ERB Extended with Pretty Tags
Load YAML files that call other YAML files
Extract comments from Ruby code
Minimal Template Engine
File-based, key-object store with hash-like access
Print any object in YAML format
Build modular command line tools
Make your Ruby backtrace pretty again
Command line refactoring utility
RuboCop ruleset
Ruby's missing function to require all files and directories
Convenience wrapper for RSpec
Interactive approval testing for RSpec
Command line for your projects
Sass command line renderer
Minimal, lightweight, multi-YAML settings library
Hassle-free caching for HTTP download with ruby
YAML configuration file loader with dot notation support